Commercial Metal Roof Gallery:
Commercial Metal Roof Gallery:
South Florida's Best Roofing Company For Over 30 Years!
Best Method For Installing Roof Tiles:
Roof tiles are primarily decorative and rain water will run underneath them. Using nails or screws to fasten tiles to the roof simply punches holes in the waterproofing underlayment. The roof on a typical home will end up with literally thousands of puncture holes. Each of these punctures is a leak waiting to happen.
We use a foam adhesive called PolyPro® that locks the tiles in place. It doesn't need nails or screws, so it won’t puncture your waterproofing underlayment. PolyPro® won’t corrode or rust like nails and screws. It has 50-100% greater wind resistance than either nails , screws or cement. Another benefit is that it fills the void underneath the tile while increasing it's breaking strength. If the tile breaks it will actually stay in place.
The PolyPro® was designed to withstand the extremes of nature including the winds of a Category 5 hurricane, see video.

Please note that on very steep roofs, over 7"/12", foam adhesive may not be able to be used.